Landscape Architects -  Denver, Colorado / Tucson, Arizona:  Your Landscape Solutions by Tom Stephens - Landscape Architect. Creative Landscape Designs, Xeriscape & Outdoor Living Spaces



When YOUR LANDSCAPE SOLUTIONS (YLS) meets with the Owner(s) for the first new client meeting to discuss and clarify the overall scope and budget range of the project:  Option #1 - in the studio-office (a free 1 1/2 hour +/- meeting) or Option #2 - at the Owner(s)' existing home or on the project site (at $150 per hour while on site with one hour minimum).  If the Owner(s) decide to sign a DESIGN SERVICES CONTRACT within 30 days of the first meeting, this charge will be credited to the final conceptual design fee amount.


YLS will furnish two sets of prints of all final plans and construction and planting documents to the Owner(s) at the completion of the FINAL DESIGN phase.  One print of the MLP or ALP will be rendered in color.  The Owner(s) may obtain additional sets (black and white or colored) from YLS with the charges based on the direct costs plus 20%.


Travel by YLS from the studio-office in Littleton, Colorado necessary for Owner(s) and/or contractor(s) conferences, on-site and nursery and materials suppliers inspecitons, and project co-ordination will be charged to the Owner(s) from the time YLS leaves the studio-office headquarters until such time as YLS returns to said headquarters or arrives at another project site.  Automobile travel will be billed at $.38 per mile, out-of-pocket expenses at costs for transportation, meals, and lodging in connection with the project or meetings.  Billing for travel charges will be at regular monthly intervals or at completion of phases of contracts or as agreed to at the signing of said contracts.


The Owner(s) may provide an accurate site survey and inventory (SSI) with before photos and/or video, and an accurate Base Plan to-scale (1/8" = 1' or 1/4" = 1') with 1 foot (preferred) or 2 foot vertical contour intervals on reproducible vellum or a computer generated disk (based on Autocadd.dwg Version 2000 or less), at no additional charge.  See YLS' SURVEY & ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS PACKET (SARP) for details.


If the Ower(s) chooses to terminate the agreements with YLS, or to abandon the project on which they are working at any stage of its development, YLS shall be compensated at the rate per hour currently in force for all services performed for the Owner(s), up to and including the time of the receipt of written notification from the Owner(s) to terminate the project.  The fee for the terminated services shall not exceed the total per the signed DESIGN SERVICES or PROJECT CO-ORDINATION CONTRACT.  Credit will be given for any payments received by YLS prior to notification and the balance will be invoiced immediately and payment will be expected within 30 days.


If YLS chooses to terminate the DESIGN SERVICES or PROJECT CO-ORDINATION CONTRACT with the Owner(s) YLS shall notify them in writing and return any portion of payments made less the rate per hour currently in force for all services performed for the 
Owner(s) and do so within 30 days of such written notification.


All originals of plans, details, and contract documents shall remain the property of YLS.  Said plans, details, and documents are to be used by the Owner(s) or YLS on other projects or extensions of the contracted project only by written agreement with each other.


The scope of Design Services as requested by the Owner(s) shall be established by a LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SERVICES DESCRIPTION, a PROGRAM OF NEEDS & BUDGET RANGE form, the DESIGN PROCESS, these GENERAL NOTES, and a signed CONCEPTUAL DESIGN SERVICES CONTRACT, DETAIL DESIGN DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CONTRACT and/or CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CONTRACT.  Said scope of Design Services shall be a part of and incorporated herein and binding on the Owner(s) and YLS.




Payment for services shall be made at the completion of each phase and/or upon presentation of an invoice to the Owner(s) by YLS.


Conceptual Design & Detail Design Development (DDD) Services shall be paid as follows:
1.)  25% Retainer at the signing of the appropriate DESIGN SERVICES CONTRACT.


70% of the balance of the contract will be due at the completion of the PRELIMINARY DESIGN phase.
3.) The remaining balance will be due at the completion of the FINAL DESIGN phase.


Construction Document Development (CDD) Services shall be paid for as follows:


50% Retainer at the signing of the appropriate CDD contract.
2.) Remaining balance due at the completion of the appropriate services and presentation of plans.


Other payment arrangements may be negotiated and agreed upon prior to the signing of the appropriate contract.


All accounts are payable and due upon completion of a specific phase and/or the presentation of an invoice and become past due 30 days from the date of invoice.  A 2% per month service charge will be assessed for all late payments unless prior arrangements have been made by Owner(s) with YLS. 

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